Thynne, William (1564)
There are 350 memorials matching all your criteria, out of 2426 total entries in the database.
1740–1749(11 of 44)
Beauclerk, Aubrey (1740)
Wager, Charles (1743)
Balchen, John (1744)
Duroure, Scipio (1745)
Ligonier, Francis (1745)
de Sausmarez, Philip (1747)
de Sausmarez, Philip (1747)
Barrell, William (1749)
Campbell, John (Duke of Argyll and Greenwich) (1749)
Carpenter, George (1749)
de la Rochefoucauld, Frederick (Earl of Lifford) (1749)
1790–1799(27 of 135)
Barkley, Andrew (1790)
Heathfield, George (1790)
Alms, James (1791)
Campbell, Archibald (1791)
Harrison, John (1791)
Hawkshaw, George (1792)
Parr, John (1792)
Pocock, George (1792)
Rodney, George (1792)
Champion, Alexander (1793)
Hope, Henry (1793)
Piercy, Thomas (1793)
Guise, John (1794)
Colman, William (1795)
Jarmin, Elias (1795)
Skey, Boughey (1795)
Sutherland, Andrew (1795)
Gordon, Augustus (1796)
Judd, Peter (1796)
Lambert, Oliver (1796)
Perryn, John (1796)
Eyres, George (1797)
Tindal, John (1797)
Blundell, Bryan (1799)
Colman, Francis (1799)
Cooke, Edward (1799)
Howe, Richard (1799)
1800–1809(26 of 160)
Austin, Anthony (1800)
Abercromby, Ralph (1801)
Edgar, Thomas (1801)
Piper, John (1801)
Whitmash, John (1801)
Burges, Richard (1802)
Faulknor, Robert (1803)
Forbes, Benjamin (1803)
Forbes, Richard (1803)
Skillicorne, Henry (1803)
Dumar (1804)
Montagu, James (1804)
Dundas, Thomas (1805)
Erskine, William (1805)
Mosse, James (1805)
Riou, Edward (1805)
Westcott, Blagdon (1805)
Clutton, Thomas (1806)
Simcoe, John (1806)
Cosby, Phillips (1808)
Gardner, Alan (1808)
Morgan, James (1808)
Stuart, John (1808)
Bryan, George (1809)
Hayes, John (1809)
Ogilvie, Charles (1809)
1810–1819(35 of 180)
Collingwood, Cuthbert (1810)
Orde, Charles (1810)
Wilson, Henry (1810)
Duckworth, George (1811)
Knipe, John (1811)
Knipe, Robert (1811)
Myers, William (1811)
Stewart, John (1811)
Beresford, John (1812)
Braginton, Richard (1812)
Fraser, Erskine (1813)
Ridley, Matthew (1813)
Acland, Wroth (1814)
Gregory, George (1814)
Hay, Andrew (1814)
McDougall, John (1814)
Parker, Peter (1814)
Purvis, John (1814)
Ross, Robert (1814)
Trigge, Thomas (1814)
Buchanan, John (1815)
D’Alton, Edward (1815)
Ellis, Henry (1815)
Foster, Charles (1815)
Picton, Thomas (1815)
Gulby, William (1816)
Nepean, Thomas (1816)
Prevost, George (1816)
Duckworth, John (1817)
Brydges, Richard (1818)
Foster, Andrew (1818)
Nelson, Horatio (1818)
Lazenby, Samuel (1819)
Madden, Edward (1819)
Murray, George (1819)
1820–1829(21 of 189)
Ogle, Charles (1820)
Donkin, Robert (1821)
Dunsier, John (1821)
Shedden, John (1821)
Chamberlayne (1822)
Cosby, Henry (1822)
White, Henry (1822)
Jervis, John (Earl of St. Vincent) (1823)
Wilks, Thomas (1823)
Campbell, Hugh (1824)
Vyse, Richard (1825)
Allen, George (1826)
Grant, James (1826)
Power, Manley (1826)
Cole, Henry (1827)
Bliss, John (1828)
Holloway, John (1828)
Alcock, Richard (1829)
Davey, George (1829)
Hilton, Thomas (1829)
Polety, John (1829)
1830–1839(28 of 176)
Graham, John (1830)
Guard, William (1830)
Vassar, Benjamin (1830)
Downing, Isaac (1831)
Walker, James (1831)
Campbell, Alexander (1832)
Young, John (1832)
Malcolm, John (1833)
Bickerton, Richard (1834)
Sherston, Peter Davis (1834)
Thornbrough, Edward (1834)
Bourne, George (1835)
Clarke, Christopher (1835)
Fell, Thomas (1835)
Inglis, William (1835)
Coleridge, James (1836)
Durrell, Thomas (1836)
Farwell, Charles (1836)
Muriel, George (1836)
Ollney, John (1836)
Barnston, Roger (1837)
Jervoise, William (1837)
Peard, George (1837)
Blundell, William (1838)
Smalpage, Francis (1838)
Hargood, William (1839)
Johnson, John (1839)
Webb, Edward (1839)
1840–1849(14 of 100)
Creed, Richard (1841)
Jones, John (1843)
Gurwood, John (1845)
Hodgson, John (1846)
Napier, John (1846)
Somerset, John (1846)
Swete, Henry (1846)
Taylor, Charles (1846)
Gipps, George (1847)
Wall, Robert (1847)
Chambers, Courtenay (1848)
Corles, William (1848)
Ekins, Charles (1849)
Robinson, Francis (1849)
1850–1859(18 of 85)
Oldfield, Christopher (1850)
Pike, Anthony (1851)
Connolly, Matthew (1853)
Mackeson, Frederick (1853)
Campbell, John (1855)
Egerton, Thomas (1855)
Lyons, Edmund (1855)
Yea, Lacy (1855)
Yea, Lacy, et. al. (1855)
Thompson, Henry (1856)
Turner, Frederick (1856)
Berkeley et. al, C. A. F. H. (1857)
Read, Samuel (1857)
Willoughby, George (1857)
Dunsterville, James (1858)
Peniston, John (1858)
Tillard, Henry (1858)
Jervois, John (1859)
1880–1889(14 of 69)
Charrington, Harold (1882)
Chester, Joseph (1882)
Gill, William (1882)
Hughes-Buller, Henry (1884)
Boyle, Mordaunt (1885)
Glover, John (1885)
Gordon, Charles (1885)
Kennedy, William (1885)
Rigoud, Gibbes (1885)
Daniell, Charles (1887)
MacGregor, Charles (1887)
Fulford, John (1888)
Hunt, Joseph (1888)
Henley, Robert (1889)
1900–1909(16 of 69)
Albert Victor (1900)
Cameron, George (1900)
Flower, Richard (1900)
Stewart, Donald (1900)
Browne, Samuel (1901)
Montgomery, Hugh (1901)
Smith, Alan (1901)
Venning, Gordon (1902)
Walker, Mark (1902)
Abadie, George (1904)
Norman, Henry (1904)
Payne, Arthur (1904)
Wingfield Digby, John (1904)
Starkey, E. C. (1906)
Buller, Redvers (1908)
Wyllie, William (1909)
1910–1919(37 of 84)
Barnett, William (1912)
Richards, Frederick (1912)
Scott, Robert et. al. (1912)
Chichester, Robert (1914)
Jeboult, John (1914)
Pastfield, James (1914)
Simpson, Charles (1914)
Bigland, George (1915)
Hamilton, Edward (1915)
Hayes, Harry (1915)
Montague, Felix (1915)
Baring, Guy (1916)
Brown, Vincent (1916)
Carter, Herbert (1916)
Cradock, Christopher (1916)
Fuge, Frederick (1916)
Judge, Charles (1916)
Tennant, Edward (1916)
Wavell, Arthur (1916)
Barkworth, Kenneth (1917)
Leigh, John (1917)
Reilly, Aubrey (1917)
Ruthven, William (1917)
Conyngham, Victor (1918)
Fisher, Charles (1918)
Harding, Lionel (1918)
Pastfield, Victor (1918)
Pearson, Wilfred (1918)
Ruthven, James (1918)
Skinner, Raymond (1918)
Tompkins, Edmund (1918)
Webster, George et. al. (1918)
Beresford, Charles (1919)
Brown, John (1919)
Kilby, Arthur (1919)
Troake, Cecil (1919)
Wood, Evelyn (1919)
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