Abadie, George (1904)
You can search the database alphabetically by surname (number of entries indicated), or scroll down the alphabetic list of grave monuments and click any entry:
Abbott, Eric (1983)
Abercromby, Ralph (1801)
Abraham, Herbert (1926)
Acland, Henry (1900)
Acland, Herbert (1877)
Acland, Sarah (1878)
Acland, Wroth (1814)
Acraman, Daniel (1847)
Acraman, John (1836)
Adams, Mary (1823)
Adams, Nicolas (1738)
Adams, William (1789)
Adams, William (1854)
Addison, Joseph (1809)
Adeane, Madeline (1941)
Adey, Daniel (1763)
Adey, William (1763)
Adey, William (1765)
Agar, Charles (Earl of Normanton) (1809)
Aglionby, Francis (2002)
Ainger, Alfred (1904)
Ainsworth, Mary (1859)
Aishton, Thomas (1882)
Aitchison, Elizabeth (1832)
Albert Victor (1900)
Alcock, Richard (1829)
Alderson, John (1820)
Alec-Smith, Rupert (1999)
Allanson, Philip (1767)
Allen, George (1826)
Allen, Thomas (1781)
Alleyne, Hannah (1762)
Alms, George (1782)
Alms, James (1791)
Anderson, Lucy (1830)
Anderson, Nicholas (1689)
Anderson, Tempest (1913)
André, John (1780)
Andrews, Mary (1789)
Angel, Arthur (1866)
Angel, Arthur (1866)
Ann, Morland (1680)
Ansell, John (1846)
Anson, Augustus (1877)
Anson, Catherine (1832)
Anstey, Mary (1851)
Anstie, Francis (1874)
Applewhait, Bridgette (1737)
Arbury, Bessie (1953)
Arbury, John (1975)
Archbold, James (1849)
Archbould, Henry (1812)
Archbould, Sarah (1812)
Arderne, James (1688)
Arney, William (1824)
Arnold, Edwin (1904)
Arnold, Joseph (1818)
Arnold, Samuel (1802)
Arnwaye, Thomas (1603)
Arthing, Janet (1808)
Ashley Cooper, Antony (Earl of Shaftesbury) (1885)
Ashwell, Ann et. al. (1838)
Askwith, Anne (1609)
Askwith, Thomas (1609)
Aspinall, John (1830)
Aspinall, Nanny (1810)
Atherton, Philip (1777)
Atkins, Edward (1750)
Atkinson, George (1811)
Atkyns, Edward (1750)
Atkyns, Robert (1750)
Atkyns, Robert (1750)
Atwill, Elizabeth (1673)
Austen, Jane (1817)
Austen, Jane (1870)
Austin, Anthony (1800)
Austin, Elizabeth (1804)
Austin, George (1815)
Austin, Isaac (1796)
Austin, John (1752)
Austin, Judith (1718)
Austin, L’Estrange (1849)
Ayerst, William (1765)
Babington, William (1837)
Bacheler, Mary (1777)
Bain, Andrew (1827)
Bain, Elizabeth (1801)
Bain, John (1820)
Bainbridge, Elizabeth (1851)
Baker, George (1710)
Baker, John (1716)
Baker, Joseph (1789)
Baker, Montagu (1875)
Baker, Robert (1880)
Baker, Samuel (1836)
Baker, Thomas (1886)
Balchen, John (1744)
Baldwin, Winthrop (1817)
Balguy, Charles (1767)
Balguy, Thomas (1795)
Ball, Thomas (1783)
Bampton, Augustus (1857)
Banks, Thomas (1805)
Banne, Nathanial (1736)
Barbauld, Anna (1825)
Barford, Susanna (1652)
Baring, Guy (1916)
Barker, Grace (1718)
Barker, James (1850)
Barkley, Andrew (1790)
Barkley, Robert (1614)
Barkworth, Kenneth (1917)
Barnard, Henry (1855)
Barnes, Frederick (1859)
Barnes, George (1847)
Barnes, Ralph (1820)
Barnet, Joane (1674)
Barnet, Mary (1768)
Barnett, Samuel (1936)
Barnett, William (1912)
Barnfather, John (1793)
Barnston, Roger (1837)
Barrell, Francis (1772)
Barrell, William (1749)
Barrow, Arabella (1850)
Barrow, Elizabeth (1836)
Barrow, George (1881)
Barrow, Isaac (1677)
Barrow, Richard (1838)
Barrow, William (1874)
Barrow, William (1836)
Barry, Elizabeth (1764)
Barry, James (1806)
Bartholomew, Moses (1689)
Bartholomew, Sarah (1689)
Bartholomew, William, et. al. (1667)
Bartleman, James (1821)
Bastard, Thomas (1731)
Bates, Ely (1812)
Batey, Jane (1865)
Bathurst, Allen (1775)
Bathurst, Catherine (1775)
Battyn, Edward (1798)
Baxter, Evan (1885)
Bayley, James (1831)
Bayley, John (1793)
Baylies, Ann (1732)
Baylies, Elizabeth (1754)
Baylies, William (1760)
Bayly, Caroline (1851)
Bayly, William (1851)
Beale, Stephen (1756)
Bealey, Susannah (1798)
Beaney, James (1891)
Beauchamp, Felicia (1813)
Beauclerk, Aubrey (1740)
Beaufoy, Henry (1700)
Beaufoy, Mary (1705)
Bedell, Anna (1656)
Behn, Aphra (1689)
Belasyse, Henry (1735)
Bell, Andrew (1832)
Bell, David (1902)
Bell, Frances (1813)
Bell, George (1958)
Bell, Rachel (1737)
Bence, Thomas (1941)
Bennett, John (1836)
Bennett, Thomas (1804)
Benson, Adeline (1915)
Benson, James (1785)
Benson, John (1887)
Benson, Martin (1752)
Beresford, Charles (1919)
Beresford, John (1812)
Berkeley et. al, C. A. F. H. (1857)
Bernard, Walter (1746)
Best, Mary (1826)
Best, Robert (1886)
Bickersteth, Edward (1906)
Bickerton, Richard (1834)
Bickley, Anna (1824)
Bickley, Benjamin (1824)
Bigland, George (1915)
Billing, Robert (1898)
Bilson, Edith (1651)
Bingham, John (1625)
Bingham, Richard (1598)
Bingham, William (1804)
Birch, Martha (1703)
Bishop, Charles (1788)
Bishop, John (1838)
Bishoprick, Robert (1814)
Blackleech, Abraham (1639)
Blackmore, Richard (1900)
Blades, Hannah (1828)
Blades, John (1828)
Blake, Cecilia (1838)
Blake, Martin (1826)
Blake, Richard (1829)
Blake, Thomas (1826)
Blayney, Thomas (1838)
Blight, Louisa (1856)
Bliss, John (1828)
Blisse, Richard (1703)
Blount, Walter (1803)
Blow, John (1708)
Blundell, Bryan (1799)
Blundell, Richard (1811)
Blundell, Sarah (1832)
Blundell, William (1838)
Blunt, Richard (1910)
Boddam, Rawson (1812)
Bodledge, Ann (1781)
Bond, Eilen (1628)
Bond, Martin (1643)
Bond, Thomas (1628)
Bonde, William (1576)
Bones, John (1813)
Bones, Mary (1813)
Bonnor, Charles (1848)
Boollam, Catharine (1909)
Booth, Barton (1733)
Booth, George (1719)
Borrett, John (1673)
Borrett, Mary (1673)
Bosanquet, Jacob (1767)
Bouch, Jane (1820)
Bouch, John (1830)
Bouchier, James (1762)
Boulter, Hugh (1742)
Boulting, Elizabeth (1755)
Boulting, William (1755)
Bourne, George (1835)
Bours, Elizabeth (1806)
Bouverie, Jacob (Earl of Radnor) (1930)
Bovet, John (1826)
Bovey, Katharina (1727)
Bovey, Mary (1851)
Bowdler, John (1754)
Bowen, Rebecca (1827)
Bowen, William (1815)
Bowles, Henry (1804)
Bowles, John (1819)
Bowtell, John (1813)
Boyce, William (1779)
Boyd, Archibald (1883)
Boyle, George (1901)
Boyle, Mordaunt (1885)
Boylston, Frances (1656)
Brabazon, Reginald (Earl of Meath) (1929)
Bradford, Jane (1828)
Bradford, Samuel (1731)
Brady, Caroline (1847)
Brady, Sarah (1816)
Bragg, Harriet (1867)
Braginton, Richard (1812)
Brailsford, William (1707)
Brandon, Frances (Duchess of Suffolk) (1563)
Brearey, Samuel (1735)
Breay, John (1839)
Brest, Henrietta (1800)
Brett, Eliza (1893)
Brewer, Mary (1818)
Bridge, Frederick (1924)
Bridges, Elizabeth (1620)
Bridges, Nathaniel (1831)
Bright, Richard (1858)
Bringfeild, James (1706)
Britton, John (1857)
Broadley, Peter (1816)
Brocas, Mary (1654)
Broking, Nicolas (1666)
Bromley, Thomas (1587)
Brook, Joseph (1794)
Brooke, Harriet (1816)
Brooke, Henry (1823)
Brooke, Richard (1895)
Brookes, Elisabeth (1729)
Brooks, Charlotte (1869)
Brookshaw, Sobieski (1811)
Broughton, Rhoda (1920)
Broughton, Thomas (1774)
Brouncker, Winefred (1649)
Brown, Andrew (1879)
Brown, Humphrey (1860)
Brown, John (1919)
Brown, Sarah (1770)
Brown, Vincent (1916)
Brown, William (1855)
Browne, Charles (1795)
Browne, James (1896)
Browne, Mary (Countess of Kenmare) (1806)
Browne, Samuel (1901)
Brutton, Alice (1807)
Brutton, Henry (1821)
Brutton, John (1821)
Bryan, George (1809)
Brydges, Charles (1818)
Brydges, Richard (1818)
Buchanan, John (1815)
Buckingham, James (1974)
Buckland, William (1856)
Buckle, Anthony (1900)
Buckner, John (1824)
Buller, Charles (1848)
Buller, Husey (1772)
Buller, James (1772)
Buller, Redvers (1908)
Bullingham, Nicholas (1576)
Bulwer Lytton, Edward (Baron Lytton) (1873)
Bulwer-Lytton, Robert (1891)
Burdett, Charles (1758)
Burdett, Mary (1758)
Burges, Richard (1802)
Burgh, William (1808)
Burke, William (1836)
Burland, John (1804)
Burne, Brampton (1837)
Burnet, Gilbert (1960)
Burnett, John (1893)
Burney, Charles (1814)
Burrough, Henry (1605)
Burrows, Thomas (1815)
Burton, William (1817)
Busby, Richard (1695)
Busdieck, Mary (1758)
Butler, Elizabeth (1644)
Butler, Samuel (1721)
Butler, Winifred (1673)
Butt, John (1769)
Buxton, Thomas (1845)
Byrne, Charles (1815)
Caldecott, Randolph (1886)
Caldecott, Randolph (1886)
Call, Thomas (1788)
Callis, Smith (1761)
Cameron, George (1900)
Campbell, Alexander (1832)
Campbell, Archibald (1791)
Campbell, Hugh (1824)
Campbell, John (1817)
Campbell, John (1855)
Campbell, John (Duke of Argyll and Greenwich) (1749)
Campbell, Thomas (1844)
Cane, James (1851)
Canning, Charles (1862)
Canning, George (1827)
Canning, Letitia (1786)
Canning, Stratford (Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe) (1880)
Capes, Bernard (1918)
Cardale, Paul (1775)
Carey, Henry (Baron Hunsdon) (1596)
Carey, Thomas (1683)
Carleton, Dudley (Viscount Dorchester) (1631)
Carleton, Edward (1704)
Carleton, William (1705)
Carlile, Wilson (1942)
Carnegie, Mary (Countess of Northesk) (1835)
Carpenter, Edward (1998)
Carpenter, George (1749)
Carpenter, John (1813)
Carpenter, Mary (1878)
Carter, Herbert (1916)
Carteret, Philip (1710)
Cary, Edward (1822)
Cary, George (1758)
Casaubon, Isaac (1634)
Casson, Ferdinando (1838)
Castlereagh, Robert (Marquess of Londonderry) (1850)
Catherine, Pengelly (2007)
Cave, Adam (1698)
Cavell, Edith (1915)
Cavendish, Frederick (1882)
Cavendish, Margaret (Duchess of Newcastle) (1673)
Cavendish, William (Duke of Newcastle) (1676)
Caxton, William (1820)
Cecil, Mildred (Lady Burghley) (1589)
Chamber, William (1785)
Chamberlayne (1822)
Chamberlayne, Mary (1757)
Chamberlen, Hugo (1731)
Chambers, Courtenay (1848)
Chambers, Ephraim (1740)
Chambers, William (1808)
Chambrelan, Charles (1704)
Chambrelan, Rachel (1687)
Champion, Alexander (1793)
Chandler, Kenelm (1809)
Chap, Chan (1988)
Chapman, Anne (1840)
Chapman, Joseph (1817)
Chardin, Elizabeth (1741)
Charrington, Harold (1882)
Chater, James (1849)
Cheesman, William (1811)
Chelsum, James (1744)
Cheney, Thomas (1760)
Chester, Charles (1857)
Chester, Joseph (1882)
Chichester, Robert (1914)
Child, Coles (1798)
Chisholm, Robert (1838)
Cholmeley, Mary (1740)
Cholmondeley, Richard (1680)
Cholmondeley, Robert (1680)
Chowne, Elizabeth (1597)
Christofidou, Mary (1998)
Churchill, Christopher (1800)
Churchill, Emily (1912)
Churchill, George (1710)
Churchill, Mary (1804)
Clark, Charles (1881)
Clarke, Ann (1800)
Clarke, Christopher (1835)
Clarke, Mary (1792)
Clarke, Richard (1805)
Clarke, Richard (1796)
Clarke, Sarah (1801)
Clarke, William (1819)
Claxson, Sarah (1824)
Claxson, Susannah (1831)
Clementi, Muzio (1832)
Clements, Elizabeth (1786)
Clemetshaw, Henry (1821)
Clifford, Jane (1679)
Clifford, Mary (1919)
Clifton, John (jr.) (1833)
Clive, Theophilus (1839)
Clode, Arthur (1893)
Clopton, Hugh (1708)
Clutterbuck, Susanna (1784)
Clutton, Thomas (1806)
Cochrane, Thomas (Earl of Dundonald) (1860)
Cock, Thomas (1811)
Cockburn, Harriet (1865)
Cockin, Frederic (1969)
Cole, Henry (1827)
Cole, Margaret (1840)
Cole, Matilda (1845)
Cole, Samuel (1729)
Cole, Thomas (1597)
Coleman, John (1709)
Coleridge, Frances (1838)
Coleridge, James (1836)
Coleridge, John (1876)
Coleridge, William (1904)
Collett, Anthony (1719)
Colley, Mary (1717)
Collier, John (1732)
Collingwood, Cuthbert (1810)
Collins, Joseph (1825)
Collins, Lewis (1982)
Collins, Thomas (1900)
Collins, William (1795)
Colman, Francis (1799)
Colman, Jemima (1807)
Colman, William (1795)
Colquhoun, Patrick (1820)
Combe, Matthew (1748)
Compton, Henry (1670)
Congreve, William (1728)
Connolly, Matthew (1853)
Conway, William (1876)
Conyngham, Victor (1918)
Cook, James (1779)
Cooke, Benjamin (1793)
Cooke, Edward (1799)
Cooke, Mary (1642)
Cookes, Thomas (1809)
Cooper, Astley (1842)
Cooper, John (1827)
Cooper, Joseph (1910)
Coote, Abraham (1657)
Coote, Algernon (Earl of Mountrath) (1771)
Coote, Diana (Countess of Mountrath) (1771)
Coote, Eyre (1783)
Coote, Robert (1837)
Coote, Sarah (1795)
Cope, Charles (1781)
Cope, William (1691)
Copland, Alexander (1834)
Copland, Lucy (1849)
Copner, John (1726)
Corbett, Elizabeth (1724)
Corfe, Frances (1863)
Corfield, Elizabeth (1811)
Corfield, Grace (1816)
Corles, Edward (1866)
Corles, William (1848)
Cornbill, Elizabeth (1834)
Corneck, Stephen (1802)
Corner, John (1733)
Cornwallis, Charles (1811)
Corwell, Henry (1900)
Cosby, Anne (1817)
Cosby, Henry (1822)
Cosby, Phillips (1808)
Cotgrave, Alicia (1829)
Cottingham, Dorothy (1690)
Cottington, Anne (1633)
Cottington, Francis (1679)
Cottle, Moses (1789)
Cotton, Edward (1675)
Cottrell, Clement (1672)
Coverdale, Miles (1837)
Cowley, Abraham (1667)
Cowne, Robert (1741)
Cowper, Spencer (1774)
Cox, Annie (1876)
Cox, Maria (1833)
Cox, Thomas (1788)
Cox, William (1934)
Coxe, Richard (1623)
Cradock, Christopher (1916)
Cradock, Thomas (1723)
Cragg, Jane et. al. (1840)
Craik, Dinah (1887)
Crane, Frederick (1891)
Cranfeild, Lyonel (Earl of Middlesex) (1674)
Cranfield, Lionel (Earl of Middlesex) (1645)
Creagh, Barbara (2007)
Creed, Richard (1704)
Creed, Richard (1841)
Crewe, Jane (1639)
Crewe, Juliana (1621)
Crichlow, Lucy (1801)
Criper, Richard (1809)
Cripps, John (1793)
Cripps, Joseph (1782)
Croft, William (1727)
Crook, Charles (1838)
Crook, Charlotte (1838)
Crosby, John (1923)
Crosdell, John (1838)
Cross, Mary (1785)
Crosse, John (1762)
Cruikshank, George (1880)
Cullen, Charles (1830)
Cumberbatch, Abraham (1796)
Cunliffe, Margaret (1759)
Cunningham, Thomas (1836)
Curme, Mary (1844)
Currer, Sarah (1759)
Curzon, George (1925)
de Courcy, Almericus (1724)
de Courcy, Ann (1724)
D’Alton, Edward (1815)
Dallas, Edward (1826)
Dalley, William (1888)
Dalrymple, William (1782)
Dalton, Thomas (1590)
Dance, George (1825)
Daniel, Eleanor (1774)
Daniel, Henry (1865)
Daniel, Thomas (1802)
Daniell, Charles (1887)
Darby, Arthur (1908)
Darby, Catherine (1924)
Darby, Thomas (1819)
Darvell, Hannah (1922)
Dash, Elorance (1854)
Daubeny, Elizabeth (1814)
Davenport, James (1841)
Davenport, John (1683)
Davenport, Katherine (1683)
Davenport, Margaret (1841)
Davenport, Thomas (1786)
Davey, George (1829)
David, William (1909)
Davies, Mary (1707)
Davies, Robert (1890)
Davies, Thomas (1939)
Davis, Peter (1749)
Davis, Susanna (1749)
Davy, John (1611)
Dawes, Lydia (1739)
Dawes, Thomas (1713)
Dawnay, Lora (Viscountess Downe) (1836)
De Paoli, Pasquale (1807)
Dealtry, John (1773)
Dealtry, William (1847)
Dear, Francis (1802)
Defy, Robert (1823)
Delany, Mary (1788)
Delarue, James (1782)
Denbow, Susan (1852)
Dendy, Arthur (1900)
Dening, Edwin (1922)
Dickens, Margaret (1793)
Digby, Charlotte (1820)
Digby, John (Earl of Bristol) (1708)
Digby, Mary (1729)
Digby, Rachel (Countess of Bristol) (1708)
Digby, Robert (1729)
Dingley, Robert (1747)
Dingley, Susanna (1747)
Disney, Samuel (1791)
Dixon, Thomas (1908)
Dobree, Isaac (1817)
Doderidge, Dorothea (1614)
Doderidge, John (1628)
Dodwell, Elizabeth (1770)
Donkin, Laetitia (1821)
Donkin, Mary (1821)
Donkin, Robert (1821)
Dorans, Ian (2007)
Dorrien-Smith, Arthur (1955)
Dorrien-Smith, Thomas (1918)
Dorrien-Smith, Thomas (1973)
Douce, Elizabeth (1810)
Douglas, Elizabeth (1811)
Douglas, Margaret (Countess of Lennox) (1578)
Dove, Dorothy (2011)
Dow, Stewart (1912)
Dowell, Anne (1819)
Down, Agnes (1792)
Down, Richard (1792)
Downing, Isaac (1831)
Draiton, Michaell (1631)
Draper, Elizabeth (1780)
Draper, Paul (1689)
Drayton, Harry (1923)
Drew, Edward (1793)
Duckworth, George (1811)
Duckworth, John (1817)
Duckworth, Robert (1887)
Dudley, Lettice (Countess of Leicester) (1634)
Dudley, Marie (1600)
Dudley, Robert (1584)
Dudley, Robert (Earl of Leicester) (1588)
Dumar (1804)
Duncan, Judith (1823)
Dundas, Thomas (1805)
Dunn, Ann (1810)
Dunn, Bartholomew (1810)
Dunn, Elizabeth (1810)
Dunne, Elizabeth (1799)
Dunsford, Martin (1887)
Dunsier, John (1821)
Dunsterville, James (1858)
Duppa, Brian (1662)
Dupuis, Thomas (1796)
Duroure, Alexander (1765)
Duroure, Scipio (1745)
Durrell, Thomas (1836)
Dyke Acland, Hugh (1834)
Eagles, John (1855)
Eames, Mary (1911)
Earl, Edward (1843)
Earl, Elizabeth (1844)
Earle, Alfred (1918)
Earle, Ann (1834)
Earle, William (1796)
Earnshaw, Samuel (1888)
East, John (1856)
Eastwood, Roy (1979)
Eaton, Ann (1821)
Eaton, Joseph (1821)
Edccumbe, Anna (1826)
Eden, George (1940)
Edgar, Thomas (1801)
Edwards, Catherine (1758)
Edwards, John (1758)
Egerton, Thomas (1855)
Egioke, Francis (1622)
Ekins, Charles (1849)
Eland, Esther (1694)
Elborne, William (1772)
Elford, Mary (1650)
Elford, William (1837)
Elforde, Anna (1640)
Elletson, Roger (1775)
Ellicombe, Richard (1851)
Ellicombe, William (1831)
Ellicot, Charles (1905)
Elliot, Gilbert (1891)
Elliot, Henry (1853)
Elliott, Edward (1865)
Ellis, Henry (1815)
Elliston, Richard (1744)
Ellys, Anthony (1761)
Elmslie, Francis (1828)
Elmslie, John (1829)
Elton, George (1806)
Elton, John (1812)
Emerson, William (1575)
Erskine May, Thomas (Baron Farnborough) (1886)
Erskine, Christian (1805)
Erskine, William (1805)
Escott, Alice (1837)
Essex, James (1887)
Etty, John (1709)
Evans, Jane (1857)
Evans, Thomas (1996)
Eveleigh, Dorothy (1799)
Eveleigh, John (1814)
Eveleigh, John (1781)
Eveleigh, Martha (1781)
Ewart, Joseph (1792)
Eyre, Daniel (1836)
Eyre, Frances (1816)
Eyre, John (1830)
Eyre, Susanna (1776)
Eyres, George (1797)
Faherty, John (2014)
Faherty, Matthew (2007)
Fairborne, Palmes (1680)
Falconer, James (1738)
Falconer, James (1809)
Fane, Elizabeth (1618)
Fanshawe, Elizabeth (1784)
Fanshawe, Gerald (1924)
Farhill, John (1830)
Farnell, W (1829)
Farrant, Elizabeth (1898)
Farrar, Frederic (1903)
Farwell, Charles (1836)
Faulknor, Robert (1803)
Faunce, Jane (1759)
Favell, Elizabeth (1840)
Feild, John (1689)
Feild, Joseph (1627)
Feild, Sarah (1689)
Fell, Thomas (1835)
Felton, William (1762)
Fendall, Jane (1799)
Fenwick, Mary (1708)
Fernley, Elizabeth (1815)
Ferres, Thomas (1631)
Fewster, Sarah (1730)
Ffley, John (1802)
Finch, Anne (1713)
Finch, Esther (1673)
Finch, Mary (1745)
Finch, William (1762)
Firmin, Thomas (1697)
Firth, John (1951)
Fisher, Charles (1918)
Fisher, Charles (1924)
Fisher, John (1825)
Fitzmaurice, Anastasia (Countess of Kerry) (1799)
Fitzmaurice, Francis (Earl of Kerry) (1818)
Fitzroy, Henry (Duke of Beaufort) (1984)
Fletcher, John (1799)
Fletcher, Martha (1799)
Flood, Anne (1774)
Flood, Luke (1774)
Flower, Richard (1900)
Flowerdew, William (1641)
Follett, William (1845)
Foot, Paul (2004)
Foote, Caroline (1778)
Forbes, Benjamin (1803)
Forbes, James (1837)
Forbes, Richard (1803)
Force, Edwin (1879)
Ford, John (1807)
Ford, Richard (1733)
Forlow, Samuel (1782)
Forster, William (1886)
Fortescue, Joseph (1910)
Forty, Daniel (1924)
Forty, Hannah (1816)
Foster-Melliar, Andrew (1841)
Foster, Andrew (1818)
Foster, Charles (1815)
Foster, Edward (1841)
Foster, Francis (1882)
Foster, Joel (1821)
Foster, Rebecca (1821)
Foster, Robert (1836)
Fowell, Richard (1783)
Fowke, Henry (1818)
Fowler, Anna (1645)
Fox, Edward (1902)
Fox, John (1764)
Frampton, Mary (1698)
Francis, Clement (1829)
Francis, Francis (1886)
Frankland, Catherine (1843)
Frankland, Roger (1826)
Franklin, Eliza (1622)
Fraser, Erskine (1813)
Fraser, Ian (1974)
Fraser, Mary (1799)
Fraser, William (1802)
Frayne, William (1896)
Freedman, Harold (1994)
Freedman, Jean (2018)
Freeling, Francis (1836)
Freeling, George (1892)
Freeman, Elizabeth (1795)
Freeman, Robert (1805)
Freke, Elizabeth (1718)
French, John (Earl of Ypres) (1925)
Frere, Bartle (1884)
Freyberg, Bernard (1963)
Friend, Anne (1775)
Friend, Joan (1759)
Friend, John (1780)
Friend, Samuel (1759)
Frost, Gwendoline (2009)
Fuge, Frederick (1916)
Fulford, John (1888)
Fulham, Catharine (1699)
Fullerton, James (1631)
Fursdon, Ellsworth (1865)
Furse, Charles (1900)
Fydell, Elizabeth (1815)
Gaisford, Jane (1863)
Gandy, John (1824)
Garbett, William (1831)
Gardiner, Thomas (1844)
Gardner, Alan (1808)
Gardner, Elizabeth (1713)
Gardner, George (1729)
Gardner, Hester (1822)
Gardner, Samuel (1689)
Garrick, David (1779)
Garrick, David (1797)
Gartside, Elizabeth (1813)
Garvey, Anthony (1804)
Gaskin, Jeremiah (1822)
Gastrell, Jane (1791)
Gatland, Jane (1752)
Geachsias, Frances (1900)
Gethin, Grace (1697)
Gibbons, John (1693)
Gibbs, Mary-Ann (1820)
Gibson, Margaret (1928)
Gidens, John (1733)
Gidley, Bartholomew (1702)
Gilberd, Benjamin (1790)
Gilbert, Sarah (1770)
Giles, Mary (1843)
Gilkes, Peter (1833)
Gill, Adrian (1986)
Gill, William (1882)
Gillett, Barry (2022)
Gilmore, Isabella (1923)
Gipps, George (1847)
Glazebrook, Ethel (1926)
Glazebrook, George (1926)
Gloster, Edward (1877)
Glover, John (1885)
Goater, Francis (1734)
Godfrey, Edmund (1696)
Godfrey, Edward (1640)
Godfrey, Sidney (1949)
Godolphin, (Mrs.) (1727)
Godolphin, Charles (1720)
Golding, William (1800)
Goldsmith, Oliver (1774)
Goldsworthy, Martha (1816)
Gomm, Jane (1822)
Gomm, Sophia (1817)
Good, Anne (1779)
Goodeheape, Anne (1713)
Gooden, Alexander (1841)
Goodman, Gabriel (1601)
Goodwin, Harvey (1891)
Gordon Lennox, Charles (Duke of Richmond) (1903)
Gordon Lennox, Charles (Duke of Richmond) (1860)
Gordon, Adam (1800)
Gordon, Anna (1796)
Gordon, Augustus (1796)
Gordon, Charles (1885)
Goring, Charles (1843)
Goss, John (1880)
Gouland, Richard (1659)
Goulburn, Sarah (1803)
Gould, Emma (1845)
Goulding, Ann (1779)
Goulding, James (1819)
Grabe, John Ernest (1711)
Grace, Martha (1676)
Graham, Ann (1800)
Graham, George (1751)
Graham, John (1830)
Graham, Martin (2014)
Grahame, Kenneth (1932)
Grant, James (1892)
Grant, James (1826)
Grant, Patrick (1895)
Gravatt, Mary (1818)
Graves Russell, James (1832)
Graves Russell, Mary (1846)
Graves Russell, Mary (1832)
Graves, Jennie (1975)
Gray, Frederick (1893)
Gray, Richard (1727)
Gray, Robert (1834)
Gray, Susana (1654)
Graye, Robert (1635)
Green, Edward (1865)
Green, Mary (1823)
Green, Philip (1803)
Green, Philip (1823)
Greenaway, Thomas (1829)
Greene, Elizabeth (1815)
Greene, Thomas (1602)
Greenly, Edward (1808)
Greenly, Elizabeth (1808)
Greenup, George (1836)
Greenway, Randolph (1785)
Gregory, George (1814)
Gresley, Charles (1900)
Gresley, Nigel (1787)
Gresley, Nigel (1816)
Grice, Rebecca (1781)
Griesdale, Frances (1791)
Griesdale, Francis (1791)
Griffith, Ann (1824)
Griffith, Frances (1682)
Grove, Lucy (1787)
Gryles, Grace (1636)
Guard, William (1830)
Guest, George (1901)
Guest, Phoebe (1826)
Guilford, Charles (1728)
Guise, John (1794)
Gulby, William (1816)
Gunter, Alice (1626)
Gunter, John (1626)
Gurwood, John (1845)
Gwilt, George (1856)
Gwyre, James (1828)
Gyare, Elizabeth (1688)
Hachmeester, Jurgen (1762)
Hackett, Maria (1874)
Haddy, Samuel (1915)
Haden, John (1869)
Hadland, John (1990)
Hadland, Marie (1990)
Hadow, Grace (1940)
Haig, Alexander (1840)
Hailey, William (1969)
Hainsworth, Catherine (1995)
Hainsworth, Sidney (1995)
Hakluyt, Richard (1910)
Hale, Letitia (1700)
Hale, William (1870)
Hales, Stephen (1761)
Halford, James (1893)
Hall, Mary (1794)
Hall, Robert (1667)
Hall, Thomas (1705)
Hall, Thomas (1759)
Hall, William (1680)
Hallam, Henry (1859)
Hallilay, Thomas (1851)
Hamilton, Cassandra (1821)
Hamilton, Edward (1915)
Hancock, William (1948)
Hanway, Jonas (1786)
Harbord, Charles (1672)
Harbord, Harbord (1888)
Harcourt, Sarah (1801)
Harding, Lionel (1918)
Harding, Maria (1846)
Hardwich, James (1836)
Hardy, Theodore (1918)
Hardy, Thomas (1732)
Hargood, William (1839)
Harkness, Robert (1839)
Harman, Agnes (1569)
Harman, Edmund (1569)
Harmsworth, Robert (1937)
Harnett, Sarah (1908)
Harris, Alice (1693)
Harris, Ann (1747)
Harris, Cecilia (1747)
Harris, Elizabeth (1675)
Harris, James (Earl of Malmesbury) (1820)
Harris, John (1674)
Harris, Olivia (2009)
Harris, Sarah (1675)
Harrison, John (1791)
Harrow, Sarah (1819)
Hartelbury, Esther (1844)
Hastings, Warren (1818)
Hatch, George (1837)
Hatcher, Henry (1846)
Hatton, John (1972)
Haughton, Hugh (1616)
Haughton, Moses (1804)
Haweis, Thomas (1820)
Hawes, Nathaniel (1700)
Hawkins, Edwards (1906)
Hawkins, Ernest (1868)
Hawkshaw, George (1792)
Hawksworth, John et. al. (1839)
Hawtrey, Charles (1770)
Hay, Alicia (Countess of Erroll) (1812)
Hay, Andrew (1814)
Hay, John (1754)
Hayes, Frauncis (1623)
Hayes, Harry (1915)
Hayes, Hilda (1904)
Hayes, John (1809)
Hayford, Susan (2020)
Hayles, Richard (1781)
Hayward, Catherine (1804)
Hayward, Samuel (1790)
Hayward, William (1782)
Head, Robert (1907)
Headlam, Arthur (1947)
Healey, Alfred (1915)
Healey, Emily (1910)
Heath, Robert (1687)
Heathfield, George (1790)
Heber, Reginald (1826)
Heberden, Elizabeth (1845)
Heberden, William (1801)
Heberden, William (1845)
Hedgeland, John (1890)
Helmsing, John (1928)
Hemens, Hannah (1765)
Henley, Catherine (1824)
Henley, Catherine (1824)
Henley, Ethel (1931)
Henley, Robert (1889)
Henniker, Ann (1792)
Henniker, John (1803)
Hennis, Peter (1833)
Henson, Edward (1929)
Herbert, Mary (1883)
Heskett, Thomas (1605)
Hewitt, Edward (1794)
Hewitt, John (1783)
Hewitt, Thomas (1737)
Heylyn, Peter (1662)
Hiccox, Edward (1774)
Hiccox, Rebeckah et. al. (1728)
Hickes, Robert (1788)
Hicks-Beach, Michael (Earl St. Aldwyn) (1916)
Hicks, John (1707)
Higgs, Mary (1822)
Hikin, Mary Ann (1897)
Hill, Constance (1951)
Hill, Elizabeth (1787)
Hill, Emery (1677)
Hill, Frederick (1759)
Hill, Richarde (1593)
Hill, Rowland (1879)
Hilton, Thomas (1829)
Hinckley, Thomas (1817)
Hiorn, Francis (1789)
Hiorn, Mary (1776)
Hiorn, William (1776)
Hiscock, George (1919)
Hoare, Anne (1783)
Hoare, Henry (1724)
Hobson, Christopher (1791)
Hockin, Richard (1888)
Hodges, James (1794)
Hodges, Martha (1723)
Hodgson, John (1846)
Holder, Susanna (1688)
Hole, Richard (1803)
Hole, Samuel (1904)
Hole, William (1791)
Holland, Benjamin (1840)
Holland, Henry (1918)
Holles, Francis (1622)
Holles, George (1626)
Holles, John (Duke of Newcastle) (1723)
Hollingworth, Andrew (1813)
Holloway, John (1828)
Holman-Hunt, William (1910)
Holmes, Thomas (1918)
Holt, Edward (1816)
Holt, Johanna (1796)
Holyoke, Francis (1730)
Home, Maria (1834)
Honeywood, John (1800)
Honywood, Edward (1867)
Honywood, Elizabeth (1812)
Hooper, Abigail (1728)
Hooper, Margaret (1601)
Hooper, Mary (1683)
Hooper, William (1683)
Hope, Henry (1793)
Hope, Mary (1767)
Hopkins, Elizabeth (1838)
Hopkins, Thomas (1838)
Hore, Mary (1798)
Horne, Thomas (1769)
Horner, Francis (1823)
Horrocks, Jeremiah (1874)
Hosking, Thomas (1830)
Hoskyns, Edwyn (1925)
Hotham, Charles (1811)
Hough, John (1743)
Houghton, Martha (1887)
Hovell, Sarah (1890)
Howard, Ann (1794)
Howard, Charles (Earl of Carlisle) (1676)
Howard, Henry (1872)
Howard, John (1795)
Howard, John (1762)
Howe, Richard (1799)
Hownam, Richard (1803)
Howson, John (1885)
Hudson, Mary (1801)
Hudson, Mary (1801)
Hughes-Buller, Henry (1884)
Hughes, Mary (1799)
Hughes, Robert (1774)
Hume, Henry (1834)
Humfrey, William (1812)
Hungerford, Giles (1685)
Hungerford, Margarite (1711)
Hunt, Francis (1818)
Hunt, Joseph (1888)
Hunt, Sarah (1831)
Hunt, Sarah (1831)
Hunt, Thomas (1811)
Hunter, John (1859)
Huntingford, Edward (1905)
Hurdis, Naomi (1784)
Hurdis, Sarah (1851)
Hurdis, Thomas (1784)
Hurleston, Ranulf (1587)
Huskisson, Eliza (1856)
Huskisson, William (1830)
Hutchinson, Elizabeth (1763)
Hutchinson, John (1869)
Hutchinson, Mrs. (1763)
Hutor, Pawel (1999)
Huysh, Richard (1615)
Hyde, William (1820)
Jackson, Anne (1864)
Jackson, Henry (1929)
Jacobson, Mary (1878)
Jacobson, William (1866)
James, Hariet (1856)
James, Mary (1677)
James, Thomas (1804)
Jarmin, Elias (1795)
Jarvis, Sarah (1748)
Jeboult, John (1914)
Jeffreys, Elizabeth (1792)
Jeffries, Richard (1887)
Jenings, Elizabeth (1720)
Jenking, Matilda (1750)
Jenkins, John (1764)
Jenner, Hephzibah (1833)
Jennings, Ann (1773)
Jennings, Thomas (1876)
Jervis, John (Earl of St. Vincent) (1823)
Jervois, John (1859)
Jervoise, William (1837)
Jesup, Edward (1770)
Jewell, Elizabeth (2018)
Jewell, Matthias (1858)
Jewell, William (2003)
John, Russell (1584)
Johnson, Christopher (1811)
Johnson, John (1839)
Johnson, Mary (1929)
Johnson, Samuel (1784)
Johnson, Samuel (1784)
Johnson, Thomas (1834)
Johnstone, Mary (1900)
Jolly, John (1700)
Jones, Anne (1730)
Jones, Claudia (1964)
Jones, Frances (1672)
Jones, James (1751)
Jones, John (1843)
Jones, Thomas (1770)
Jones, William (1799)
Jones, William (1756)
Joule, James (1889)
Judd, Andrew (1558)
Judd, Peter (1796)
Judge, Charles (1916)
Judge, Thomas (1939)
Julian, John (1913)
Kane, Richard (1736)
Karsten, Frederick (1998)
Katencamp, Herman (1807)
Kaye, Elizabeth (1845)
Keddey, Ann (1835)
Keen, Arthur (1972)
Keene, Georgiana (1890)
Keene, Mary (1776)
Keillinghusen, Henry (1615)
Keith-Falconer, Mary (Countess of Kintore) (1826)
Kekewich Edge, Thomas (1931)
Kekewich, Agatha (1838)
Kekewich, Charlotte (1879)
Kellum, George (1732)
Kelly, Charles (1882)
Kelly, Edward (1892)
Kemble, Margaret (1800)
Kemble, Thomas (1776)
Kemp, John (1771)
Kempe, Charles (1907)
Kempster, Christopher (1715)
Kempthorne, John (1838)
Kendall, James (1751)
Kendall, James (1751)
Kendall, Mary (1710)
Kenn, Barbara (2017)
Kennedy, William (1885)
Kennicott, Anne (1830)
Kennicott, Benjamin (1770)
Kennicott, Elizabeth (1770)
Kennion, George (1922)
Kent, John (1789)
Kent, Matthew (1650)