Braginton, Richard

Beneath are deposited the remains of Richard Braginton, Quarter Master Serjeant of the South Devon Militia; who expired suddenly in this town on his march to Nottingham, in the night of the 15th of February 1812 after retiring to rest in perfect health; aged 60 years. He served 40 in the said Reigiment, with unabated Zeal, diligence and Loyalty to his king; and firm attachment to his country; While his private conduct was equally commendable. For Rectitude, Probity and Sobriety; He was esteem'd by his Officers; and beloved by his fellow Soldiers. To perpetuate the remembrance of his worth, This Stone was caused to be erected by his Colonel Lord ROLLE. Reader! May this additional Example of the awful uncertainty of Life prove a warning to thee to prepare for a similar fate, by a faithful discharge of the duties of thy station, and by an humble reliance on the merit of thy Redeemer.
Church: St. Nicholas - Leicester (in Leicester, Leicestershire).
Diligence, Esteemed*, Loyalty/service to crown*, Patriotism*, Probity, Rectitude*, Sobriety, Worth*, Zeal*.
Reminder of death*.
Only English.
Year of death: 1812.
Age at death: 60 (classed as: Adult).