Whincop, Thomas (1624)
There are 238 memorials matching all your criteria, out of 2433 that match your non-virtue criteria.
1780–1789(17 of 100)
Travell, Martha (1780)
Grice, Rebecca (1781)
Alms, George (1782)
Stillingfleet, Katherine (1782)
Nares, James (1783)
Johnson, Samuel (1784)
Morley, Sarah (1784)
Clements, Elizabeth (1786)
Image, John (1786)
Grove, Lucy (1787)
Hill, Elizabeth (1787)
Morley, Anne (1787)
Nestor (1787)
Cox, Thomas (1788)
Andrews, Mary (1789)
Ramsay, James (1789)
Skynner, Thomas (1789)
1790–1799(16 of 136)
Alms, James (1791)
Hole, William (1791)
Pocock, George (1792)
Shelley, Eleanor (1792)
Sherston, Bridget (1792)
Bayley, John (1793)
Sherston, William (1793)
Southgate, Richard (1795)
Clarke, Richard (1796)
Moul, Richard (1797)
Norbury, Mary (1797)
Reed, Richard et. al. (1797)
Tindal, John (1797)
Battyn, Edward (1798)
Eveleigh, Dorothy (1799)
Fletcher, John (1799)
1800–1809(23 of 160)
Austin, Anthony (1800)
Churchill, Christopher (1800)
Bain, Elizabeth (1801)
Crichlow, Lucy (1801)
Tattersall, John (1801)
Corneck, Stephen (1802)
Fraser, William (1802)
Taunton, Frances (1802)
Sleeman, Mary (1803)
James, Thomas (1804)
Pomeroy, Henry (1804)
Watson, Daniel (1804)
Pitt, John (1805)
Riou, Edward (1805)
Wilmot, Luke (1805)
Browne, Mary (Countess of Kenmare) (1806)
Pitt, James (1806)
Ford, John (1807)
Katencamp, Herman (1807)
Marriott, Randolph (1807)
Newland, Abraham (1807)
Whitmore, Mary (1808)
Bryan, George (1809)
1810–1819(26 of 180)
Cock, Thomas (1811)
Beresford, John (1812)
Willesford, Sophia (1812)
Bell, Frances (1813)
Carpenter, John (1813)
Maurice, Sarah (1813)
Ridley, Matthew (1813)
Acland, Wroth (1814)
Payne, Mary (1814)
Purvis, John (1814)
Moore, George (1815)
Patch, Burnet (1815)
Corfield, Grace (1816)
Forty, Hannah (1816)
Newcombe, James (1816)
Prevost, George (1816)
Sharp, John (1816)
Campbell, John (1817)
Chapman, Joseph (1817)
Turner, John (1817)
Brewer, Mary (1818)
Fitzmaurice, Francis (Earl of Kerry) (1818)
Gravatt, Mary (1818)
Hunt, Francis (1818)
Munro, Elizabeth (1818)
Legard, John (1819)
1820–1829(28 of 189)
Barnes, Ralph (1820)
Lowe, Ann (1820)
Wilkes, Edward (1820)
Wilkes, Hannah (1820)
Donkin, Laetitia (1821)
Donkin, Mary (1821)
Smith, Helen (1821)
Slade, Augusta (1822)
Woollcombe, William (1822)
Duncan, Judith (1823)
Meyler, Thomas (1823)
Wilks, Thomas (1823)
Buckner, John (1824)
Tubb, William (1824)
Fisher, John (1825)
Tayler, William (1825)
Vyse, Richard (1825)
Frankland, Roger (1826)
Middleton, Harriet (1826)
Mortimer, Eliza (1826)
Mott, William (1826)
Pearse, John (1826)
Whish, Martin (1826)
Cooper, John (1827)
Scott, James (1827)
Taunton, Caroline (1827)
Blades, John (1828)
Cotgrave, Alicia (1829)
1830–1839(25 of 176)
Huskisson, William (1830)
Rennell, Sarah (1830)
Rowe, Catherine (1830)
Claxson, Susannah (1831)
Downing, Isaac (1831)
Hunt, Sarah (1831)
Minethorpe, Eleanor (1832)
Whitelocke, Mary (1833)
Bickerton, Richard (1834)
Gray, Robert (1834)
Thornbrough, Edward (1834)
Woods, Edmund (1834)
Rennell, William (1835)
Freeling, Francis (1836)
Ryder, Henry (1836)
Wilson, William (1836)
Babington, William (1837)
Forbes, James (1837)
Hatch, George (1837)
Barrow, Richard (1838)
Hopkins, Elizabeth (1838)
Lambert, George (1838)
Smalpage, Francis (1838)
White, Henry (1838)
Hargood, William (1839)
1840–1849(17 of 101)
Otter, William (1840)
Pruen, William (1840)
Rogers, George (1840)
Creed, Richard (1841)
King, Maria (1841)
Parker, John (1841)
Welland, Robert (1841)
Welland, Susanna (1841)
Ramsay, James (1842)
Williams, Philip (1843)
Pridham, Edward (1844)
Follett, William (1845)
Tyrrell, George (1845)
Dealtry, William (1847)
Taylor, Anne (1848)
Archbold, James (1849)
Stevens, Anne (1849)
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