Croft, William

In Latin: Nearby lies interred William Croft, Doctor in Music, and Organist of the King's Chapel, and this Collegiate Church. His skill in harmony was happily derived from that great master of modulation, whose side he now protects [referring to John Blow whose monument adjoins]. He studiously advanced himself by his own celebrated compositions, of which not a few were consecrated to Heaven; and was not more eminently commendable for the solemnity of his numbers than for the sweetness [suavitate] of his mind, his manners, and even his features. He lived among mortals for nearly fifty years with the greatest candour, and was in no duty of humanity more admirable than in the friendship and truly paternal charity with which he educated his pupils. On the 14th day of August in the year 1727 he emigrated to the Heavenly Choir for which he was better fitted, adding his Hallelujah to the concert of the angels. [Translation courtesy of Westminster Abbey website, amended.]
Church: Westminster Abbey (in Westminster, London).
Achievement/success*, Beauty*, Candour*, Charity*, Distinction*, Famed*, Good friend, Good manners, Humanity*, Industry*, Skill*, Sweetness, Various duties.
Play on profession.
Year of death: 1727.
Age at death: not given (classed as: Adult).