Cottington, Anne (1633)
There are 234 memorials matching all your criteria, out of 2426 that match your non-virtue criteria.
1790–1799(21 of 135)
Barkley, Andrew (1790)
Mason, Ward (1790)
Thompson, Anne (1791)
Down, Agnes (1792)
Down, Richard (1792)
Henniker, Ann (1792)
Sampson, John (1792)
Shelley, Eleanor (1792)
Matthews, Anna (1793)
Quicke, Andrew (1793)
White, Elizabeth (1793)
Guise, John (1794)
Hodges, James (1794)
Freeman, Elizabeth (1795)
Sheridan, Elizabeth (1795)
Webb, John (1795)
Earle, William (1796)
Robinson, Arthur (1796)
Smith, Peter (1796)
Fitzmaurice, Anastasia (Countess of Kerry) (1799)
Leach, Lucretia (1799)
1800–1809(25 of 160)
Brest, Henrietta (1800)
Honeywood, John (1800)
Bain, Elizabeth (1801)
Crichlow, Lucy (1801)
Seymour, Catherine (1801)
Whitmash, John (1801)
Fraser, William (1802)
Green, Philip (1803)
Sleeman, Mary (1803)
Sweet, William (1803)
Wilkinson, Tate (1803)
Bennett, Thomas (1804)
Dumar (1804)
Mitchell, David (1804)
Pomeroy, Henry (1804)
Lowrey, Joseph (1806)
Pitt, James (1806)
Urquhart, Alexander (1806)
Katencamp, Herman (1807)
Salmon, Elizabeth (1807)
Greenly, Edward (1808)
Greenly, Elizabeth (1808)
Shirley, Hannah (1808)
Nicholls, William (1809)
Osborne, Sarah (1809)
1810–1819(27 of 180)
Douce, Elizabeth (1810)
Welch, Anne (1810)
Archbould, Henry (1812)
Archbould, Sarah (1812)
Beresford, John (1812)
Humfrey, William (1812)
Willesford, Sophia (1812)
Bell, Frances (1813)
Maurice, Sarah (1813)
Ridley, Matthew (1813)
Purvis, John (1814)
Austin, George (1815)
Bowen, William (1815)
Buchanan, John (1815)
Fydell, Elizabeth (1815)
Moore, George (1815)
Goldsworthy, Martha (1816)
Gulby, William (1816)
Muriel, Robert (1816)
Campbell, John (1817)
Dobree, Isaac (1817)
Powell, Susanna (1818)
Darby, Thomas (1819)
Harrow, Sarah (1819)
King, Sarah (1819)
Legard, John (1819)
Watts, George (1819)
1820–1829(36 of 189)
Alderson, John (1820)
Lowe, Ann (1820)
Wilkes, Edward (1820)
Wilkes, Hannah (1820)
Bartleman, James (1821)
Donkin, Laetitia (1821)
Donkin, Mary (1821)
Eaton, Ann (1821)
Eaton, Joseph (1821)
Poulter, Anne (1821)
St. John, William (1822)
Wilton, Henry (1822)
Read, (Mrs.) (1823)
Campbell, Hugh (1824)
Maude, Janet (1824)
Read, Isabella (1824)
Tubb, William (1824)
Barbauld, Anna (1825)
Taunton, William (1825)
Frankland, Roger (1826)
Grant, James (1826)
Mortimer, Eliza (1826)
Mott, William (1826)
Bain, Andrew (1827)
Canning, George (1827)
Pridham, Elizabeth (1827)
Scott, James (1827)
Simmons, Ann (1827)
Blades, Hannah (1828)
Richards, John (1828)
Richards, Joseph (1828)
Riley, Edward (1828)
Cotgrave, Alicia (1829)
McNish, Charles (1829)
Nares, Robert (1829)
Roberts, Sarah (1829)
1830–1839(19 of 176)
Bouch, John (1830)
Bayley, James (1831)
Hunt, Sarah (1831)
Taunton, Henry (1831)
Blundell, Sarah (1832)
Minethorpe, Eleanor (1832)
Newbolt, William (1833)
Mathews, Charity (1834)
Maton, William (1835)
Maycock, James (1835)
Ryder, Henry (1836)
Coote, Robert (1837)
Jervoise, William (1837)
Moor, Henry (1837)
Blundell, William (1838)
Kekewich, Agatha (1838)
Smalpage, Francis (1838)
Wheeler, Rosa (1838)
Hargood, William (1839)
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