Woodroffe, Charles

In Latin: Nearby are buried Charles Woodroffe LLD, prebendary of this church and Elizabeth his most beloved wife. Dear souls, worthy to be buried with the highest honours; in as much as his serene and unwrinkled brow, his lofty and steadfast mind, his elegant and urbane manners, the severity of his theological and legal learning tempered with more pleasant studies and the charms of music, made him a great loss to his friends. Her charming appearance, humorous countenance, lively genius, well-born modesty, natural grace, her delicate virtue and her piety tempered by the sweetness of her character made her darling of her husband. He died 13th February 1726 at age 54. She died 6th September 1721 at age 33. RB. AW put up this stone to the happy pair. [Translation from "A Selection of Latin Inscriptions at Winchester Cathedral" by Pat Wagstaff, amended.]
Church: Winchester Cathedral (in Winchester, Hampshire).
Year of death: 1726.
Age at death: 54 (classed as: Adult).