Stuart, Ludovic (Duke of Richmond and Lennox)

In Latin: Here lies the body of the most illustrious and most excellent prince, Ludovic, son of Esme Stuart, Duke of Lennox, grandson of John, nephew to the serene Prince King James I, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, Earl of Newcastle upon Tyne and Darnley, Chamberlain and Hereditary Admiral of Scotland, Lord High Steward of the Household, first Gentleman of the bedchamber and Privy Counsellor to his sacred Majesty King James, Knight of the Garter, Ambassador from Scotland to France; a prince born to every thing that was great and good, but gone to far better. He lived 49 years, 4 months and 17 days.
2.Samuel 3, 38: Know ye not that a prince and a great man is this day dead. 16 February. Designated the first of the princes of this land. (Translation courtesy of Westminster Abbey website, amended.)
[In the Latin of the Biblical quotation capital letters form a chronogram adding up to the year of his death, i.e. 1623 in Old Style dating - now called 1624.]
Church: Westminster Abbey (in Westminster, London).
Year of death: 1623.
Age at death: 49 (classed as: Adult).