Sheffield, John (Duke of Buckingham)

In Latin. Around rim: "Often for the king, always for the public good" On panel: "I lived doubtful, not dissolute; I die unresolved, not unresigned; Ignorance and error are incident to human nature. I trust in an Almighty and All-good God. O thou Being of Beings have compassion on me. On base: "Sacred to the memory of John Sheffyld, of the illustrious race of the Sheffylds, who from the reign of King Henry III have by a direct succession of male heirs preserved its name even to this day: Duke of Buckinghamshire, Duke and Marquis of Normanby, Earl of Mulgrave, Baron Sheffyld of Botterwick, and Knight of the noble Order of the Garter. He first married Ursula, Countess of Conway. His second lady was Catherine, Countess of Gainsborough. His third, Catherine, Countess of Anglesey, daughter of King James II and Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester, who bore him 1. Sophia, 2. John, 3. Robert, 4. Henrietta-Maria (all now resting in the bosom of Time) 5. Edmund, the now only comfort of his afflicted mother. In the reign of King Charles II he was General of the Dutch troop of horse, Governor of Kingston Castle upon Hull, and first Gentleman of the Bedchamber. After which, in the reign of King James II, he was made Lord Chamberlain; and in the reign of Queen Anne Lord Privy Seal and President of the Council. In his management of the public affairs in the House of Lords for the space of 54 years, it is doubted what was greater, his graceful elocution or ready application; his vigour of body declining, he preserved that of his mind to his last breath. At last his strength gently decreasing, he lay down under his burthen the 24 day of February, and went to rest in the 75th year of his age, and of our Redemption Anno. 1720." [Translation courtesy of Westminster Abbey website, adapted.]
Church: Westminster Abbey (in Westminster, London).
Decision*, Eloquence*, Faith*, Gracefulness, Loyalty/service to crown*, Public service/spirit*, Rank*.
Year of death: 1720.
Age at death: 75 (classed as: Adult).