Rennie, John

Here lie the mortal remains of JOHN RENNIE, civil engineer, F.R.S. F.A.S., born at Phantassie in East Lothian, 7 June 1761, deceased in London, 4 Oct 1821, THIS STONE is dedicated to his private virtues, and records the affection and the respect of his family and friends, but the many splendid and useful works by which, under his superintending genius, England, Scotland and Ireland have been adorned and improved, are THE TRUE MONUMENTS of HIS PUBLIC MERIT. Waterloo Southwark Bridges. Plymouth Breakwater. Sheerness Docks.
Church: St. Paul’s Cathedral (in City of London, London).
Achievement/success*, Domestic virtues*, Genius, Merit*, Respected*, Splendour, Usefulness.
Only English.
Year of death: 1821.
Age at death: 60 (classed as: Adult).