Puckering, Thomas
In the calm expectation of a happy Resurrection, Under this tomb resteth Thomas Puckering , Knight and Baronet, youngest son of John Puckering, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, yet heir to his two elder brothers snatched away in their infancy by death; who, notwithstanding his education in the Royal Palace, for the space of seven years, and his having attained so high a degree of honor as to be the only person admitted fellow student to Prince Henry, eldest son to King James, and notwithstanding his having travelled through the greater and more polite parts of the christian world for almost four years, yet upon his return to his country, would not again re-imbrace the life of a courtier, after the death of that incomparable Prince his most gracious and affectionate master, (whom God Almighty, through his great mercy to him, and just indignation to an ungrateful people, had taken to himself to heaven) but being weary of the alluring charms which attend a Court and a city life, he afterwards chose to live in the country, as a method of life most proper for the serving of God, and giving him an opportunity to be at leisure for himself; in which constantly persevering, after having discharged those particular offices, which either by Royal favor, or the good will of the people, are usually conferred on meritorious persons, who enjoy the honor of Knighthood, and spend their time in the country; he happily finished this course in the forty-fifth year of his age.- He had one wife, Elizabeth, the only daughter of John Morley, Knight, of the county of Sussex, by whom he had three daughters; the eldest of which , Frances, died an infant. The second, Cissely, being deservedly very dear to her father, and which is scarce credible, old in singular piety, though young in years, bid farewel to the world, in the 13th year of her age. The third and last daughter, Jane, aged seven years, now survives, who also herself soon must die. [Translation from "A Brief Description of the Collegiate Church and Choir of St. Mary's (Warwick, 1819), amended. Image courtesy of Tim Clark, church historian at St. Mary's Warwick.]
Church: St. Mary's - Warwick (in Warwick, Warwickshire).
Year of death: 1637.
Age at death: 45 (classed as: ).