Pearce, Zachary

In Latin: Sacred to the memory of the Right Reverend Zachary PEARCE, S.T.P. [professor of sacred theology], Bishop of Rochester, Dean of this Collegiate Church and also of the most honourable Order of the Bath. After a well-spent boyhood at Westminster School, he gathered the riper fruits of learning at Cambridge. With what stature, as both critic and theologian, he emerged thence, is witnessed by those of his writings already published, and will be witnessed by those soon to be published. At last, being greatly desirous of solitude and leisure, he resigned from the office of Dean so that he should have time for the exposition of Holy Scripture; he would have resigned his bishopric also, had this been permitted. Finally, having completed, as was his especial prayer, his most polished Commentary on the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostle, he rested from his labours, 29th June A.D. 1774, in the 84th year of his age. [Translation courtesy of Westminster Abbey website.]
Church: Westminster Abbey (in Westminster, London).
Year of death: 1774.
Age at death: 84 (classed as: Adult).