Norton, Israel

In Latin: On the Death of John Norton, Gent. Of this Borough, Steward and Deputy Recorder, Who died Sep. 14, 1635. But he's not wholly dead, - his better part in Heaven lives, While fame, due to his deeds, still flourishes on earth; A Brother loving - a Husband faithful, In whose breast were sown, strong principles of virtue & of equity. These immaterial Monuments defy Death's mortal Sting - and Time's corroding Tooth. At the side of John, lieth his wife Israel, Daughter of Thomas Woodward, sometime of Butler's - Marston , in the County of Warwick , Gentleman - who, memorable for her excellent piety, departed from this life , Nov. 29th , 1615. Near this place is buried Anne Norton, daughter of Henry Porter, lately of Edgberston, in the County of Warwick, Gentleman, widow of Thomas Norton, only son of the before mentioned John and Israel, ( who was buried at Knowle in the same county.) She being mature in piety and age, laid down this life May 14th , 1698. The Epitaph on the Memory of John Norton , being destroyed by Fire, 1694 , was put up afresh, with the under-written lines, by his Grand Children , John and Edward Norton, A. D. 1709. [Translation from "A Brief Description of the Collegiate Church and Choir of St. Mary's (Warwick, 1819), amended.]
Church: St. Mary's - Warwick (in Warwick, Warwickshire).
Year of death: 1615.
Year of headstone: 1709.
Age at death: not given (classed as: Adult).