Kendall, James
"Near ths place lies interr'd the body of James Kendall esqr of Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, who departed this life October the 19th 1751 aged 51
He was the son of James Kendall esqr one of the gentlemen of the bedchamber of King James the second, Colonel in the Guards and Member in several parliaments, but rather than vote for the repeal of the penal laws and Test, resigned his place and commission; After the Revolution, King William, in regard to his merit, appointed him Governor of Barbadoes in which post & every part of life he preserved such honour & integrity, that he was beloved & respected by all degree of men. He died in the year 1708 & was buried in Westminster Abbey leaving This ; His only son James inheritor of his virtues & fortune, who married Jane the 5th daughter of John Weston esq late of Ockham in the county of Surrey (who caused this monument to be erected to his memory) by her he had two sons & one daughter, James & Harriot both died infants, & James John who died at Paris in the year 1750 in the 22nd of his age, is buried at West Horsley in Surrey.
The said Jane Kendall departed this life August the 31st 1769 aged 72"