Goldsmith, Oliver

In Latin: To the memory of Oliver Goldsmith, poet, philosopher and historian, by whom scarcely any style of writing was left untouched and no one touched unadorned, whether to move to laughter or tears; a powerful yet mild master of the affections, in genius sublime, vivid, and versatile, in speech, grand, brilliant, and graceful, is cherished in this monument by the love of his companions, the fidelity of his friends, and the veneration of his readers. Born in the parish of Fernes, in Longford, a county of Ireland, at a place named Pallas, on the 29th November 1731. He was educated at Dublin and died in London on 4th April 1774. [Translation courtesy of Westminster Abbey website, adapted.]
Church: Westminster Abbey (in Westminster, London).
Brilliance, Eloquence*, Greatness*, Liveliness*, Loftiness*, Mildness*, Revered*, Variety.
Year of death: 1774.
Age at death: 42 (classed as: Adult).