Godfrey, Edmund
In Latin: Edmund Berry Godfrey, raised, for his services to King and Country, to the rank of Knight, having filled the office of Justice with a singular fidelity and diligence, was snatched at last from the sight of his kinsfolk on 12th Oct. 1678, and found on the fifth day following, having suffered an abominable and hideous death. The rest let History tell. This monument, ravaged by age, was restored, and the epitaph to his brother Edmund added, by Benjamin, youngest son and now the sole survivor of the sons of Thomas Godfrey, 2nd April 1696. [Translation courtesy of Westminster Abbey website.]
Church: Westminster Abbey (in Westminster, London).
Year of death: 1678.
Year of headstone: 1696.
Age at death: not given (classed as: Adult).