Gibbons, John

In Latin: Immortalitatem beatam expectans/ Hic jacet JOANNES GIBBONS/ In agro STAFFORDIENSI ex Honesta Stirpe Orindus,/ Vir probus , modestus, vere, et/ Ex Animo Christianus,/ Qui rebus adversis diu probatus, sed/ Non fractus, provecta ætate/ In amoenissimum hoc WERWICUM/ Præsidium secessit;/ Ubi, quod ævi supererat,/ Deo soli decavit , et saluti animæ suæ , quam pie et/ tranquille reddidit/ Anno Ætat, 76 : Anno Dom : MDCXCIII./ Septem Liberorum , quos ex Elizabetha Dilectissima Uxore suscepit , Filia/ ROLANDI FRITH de THORNES Generosi,/ Viri integerrimi , et ob suam erga/ Regem & Ecclesiam fidem insignis/ Unicus superstes W. G. M. D./ Parenti optime de se merito/ Hoc Monumentum L : M : poni curavit.
Translation: In expectation of a blessed Immortality , Here lieth JOHN GIBBONS, Descended from a genteel family in the County of Stafford , A man of real probity and modesty, and From his heart a Christian; Who being long proved , but not broken in Adversity, Did, in an advanced Age , Retire to the most pleasant town of Warwick , Where the remainder of his Age he dedicated to God alone, And the Salvation of his Soul , Which he piously and calmly resigned, In the 76th Year of his Age , of our Lord 1693 . The only survivor of seven children which he begat of Elizabeth , his beloved wife (the daughter of Roland Frith , of Thorns, Gent. a man of great integrity , and remarkable for his fidelity to the King and to the Church , ) William Gibbons , Doctor of Physic, took care to have this monument erected to a Father who deserved his best regards. [Trans. from "A Brief Description of the Collegiate Church and Choir of St. Mary's (Warwick, 1819)].
Church: St. Mary's - Warwick (in Warwick, Warwickshire).
Looked for*.
Year of death: 1693.
Age at death: 76 (classed as: Adult).