Coxe, Richard
In Latin: To the great and good God. Here resteth in the Lord Richard Coxe of Porters, Kt., third son of Thomas Coxe of Beymonds in the county of Hertford Esq., servant in the royal palace for many years and approved for his fidelity, diligence and prudence, Taster to Queen Elizabeth and King James, to the latter of which he was, at length, made Steward of the Household, a man of religion, courteous in manners, chaste of body, temperate in his affections, highly regarded. He treated the deserving with love, his relatives with beneficence, the poor with charity, and all with equity. In the 69th year of his age, being unmarried, after having prepared himself for a better life by much vigilance and devotion, he calmly resigned his soul to God the 13th day of December 1623. John Coxe of Beymonds Esq. second brother and heir hath, as a testament of his love, erected this monument. God, not of the dead, but the living. [Translation courtesy of Westminster Abbey, amended.]
Church: Westminster Abbey (in Westminster, London).
Benevolence*, Charity*, Chastity*, Christianity/religion, Courtesy, Devoutness*, Diligence, Fidelity*, Good relation, Good to the poor, Justice*, Love, Peace in death*, Preparedness for death, Prudence, Temperance*, Vigilance*.
Year of death: 1623.
Age at death: 69 (classed as: Adult).