Cottington, Francis

  Here lyes Francis Ld. Cottington of Hanworth who in ye reign of K.Ch. [Charles] ye 1st was Chancellor of His Maties. Exchequer, Mr of his Court of Wards, Constable of ye Tower, Ld. High Treasurer of England & one of His Maties. Privy Councell. He was twice Ambassador in Spaine once for ye said King & a second tyme for K. Ch ye 2nd now reigning, to both wch. hee most signally shewd his alleagance & fidelity during ye unhappy civill broils of those times & for his faithfull adhaerance to ye Crowne (ye usurpers praevayling) was forc’t to fly his country & during his exile dyed at Vallidolid in Spaine on ye 19th day of June. An.Dni. 1652 aet. svae. 74. Whence his body was brought & here interr’d by Charles Cottington Esqr. his nephew & heire, An. Dni. 1679.
Title: .
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Year of death: 1652.
Year of headstone: 1679.
Age at death: not given (classed as: ).